
Hell Yeah!
After a prolonged period without flying my brain reflects in a negative way about why I participate in this sport. Does the risk warrant the pleasure gained from it? My last flight was back in November and I had missed multiple opportunities to fly due to work commitments and the pressure of family life; was I really committed enough?
10 Apr 2017
After a prolonged period without flying my brain reflects in a negative way about why I participate in this sport. Does the risk warrant the pleasure gained from it? My last flight was back in November and I had missed multiple opportunities to fly due to work commitments and the pressure of family life; was I really committed enough?
10 Apr 2017

New Duration Personal Best
The days leading up to the 13th I seriously procrastinated between Firle and the Devil's Dyke as forecasts were a little uncertain and changeable. Like everyone else, I decided to leave it until Sunday morning and by then, the forecast showed a hint of west in the dominant northerly wind. It was decided; Devil's Dyke!
13 Nov 2016
The days leading up to the 13th I seriously procrastinated between Firle and the Devil's Dyke as forecasts were a little uncertain and changeable. Like everyone else, I decided to leave it until Sunday morning and by then, the forecast showed a hint of west in the dominant northerly wind. It was decided; Devil's Dyke!
13 Nov 2016

Gale Hanging at the Dyke
I almost didn't turn up - a result of getting paranoid by comments on the Southern Hang Gliding Club's Telegram service reporting that it would be very windy, gusty and would blow out later…
05 Nov 2016
I almost didn't turn up - a result of getting paranoid by comments on the Southern Hang Gliding Club's Telegram service reporting that it would be very windy, gusty and would blow out later…
05 Nov 2016

Sedgwick Park to Monks Gate
A fun little down hill on one of my local routes.
23 Oct 2016 | 2km | -79ft | offroad;singletrack;
A fun little down hill on one of my local routes.
23 Oct 2016 | 2km | -79ft | offroad;singletrack;

Barry Knows Best
Barry Knows Best is probably one of the most famous single tracks in the Surrey Hills and I confess to it being one of mine too!
23 Oct 2016 | -203ft | offroad;singletrack;
Barry Knows Best is probably one of the most famous single tracks in the Surrey Hills and I confess to it being one of mine too!
23 Oct 2016 | -203ft | offroad;singletrack;

Stern Stalls
Holding a kayak vertical looks pretty cool and is surprisingly a relatively simple move with a bit of practice. It can lead to move advanced moves such as cartwheels, so it's a good starting point. This article discusses the stern-stall.
17 Oct 2016
Holding a kayak vertical looks pretty cool and is surprisingly a relatively simple move with a bit of practice. It can lead to move advanced moves such as cartwheels, so it's a good starting point. This article discusses the stern-stall.
17 Oct 2016

Aerotow Demonstration at Ringmer Gliding Club
Ringmer Gliding Club want more use of their field. They also want some new people to invigorate their club. Perhaps having us there will bring in some new interest.
07 Oct 2016
Ringmer Gliding Club want more use of their field. They also want some new people to invigorate their club. Perhaps having us there will bring in some new interest.
07 Oct 2016

Lift (The Coanda Explanation)
A short article describing how lift is generated using the Coanda explanation.
06 Oct 2016
A short article describing how lift is generated using the Coanda explanation.
06 Oct 2016

The Early Bird Gets the Worm
No worms were hurt, but an early start was required as the forecast had predicted moderate winds early decreasing through the day…
02 Oct 2016
No worms were hurt, but an early start was required as the forecast had predicted moderate winds early decreasing through the day…
02 Oct 2016

A Simple Sled Ride
Disappointed is the best word to summarise the weekend; Saturday was forecast to be an epic but as the week progressed, the wind forecasts were continually revised upwards and when Saturday arrived, it was blown out (although one pilot did brave the skies!)...
18 Sep 2016
Disappointed is the best word to summarise the weekend; Saturday was forecast to be an epic but as the week progressed, the wind forecasts were continually revised upwards and when Saturday arrived, it was blown out (although one pilot did brave the skies!)...
18 Sep 2016

Caburn Conquered
I'd wanted to fly Caburn ever since I'd flown there during my CP training with John Barratt many years earlier. Back then myself and glider, a school Aeros Target 16, had been driven to the top of the hill via the track at the rear...
03 Sep 2016
I'd wanted to fly Caburn ever since I'd flown there during my CP training with John Barratt many years earlier. Back then myself and glider, a school Aeros Target 16, had been driven to the top of the hill via the track at the rear...
03 Sep 2016

Fickle Firle
As the morning progressed various pilots were tempted into the air (mostly the rigids) and at some point, all struggled to stay up and had to scratch around efficiently on the ridge or dart in for a top landing when high enough…
14 May 2016
As the morning progressed various pilots were tempted into the air (mostly the rigids) and at some point, all struggled to stay up and had to scratch around efficiently on the ridge or dart in for a top landing when high enough…
14 May 2016

A Windy Dyke Day
As I waited for a path to launch to clear, I was surprised that no one else had launched or was hinting at doing so. I asked a couple of pilots why, and they all replied; 'It's too cold!'. My suspicions were they were all waiting for someone else to launch first (a suitable wind dummy)! Turns out, that would be me!
24 Apr 2016
As I waited for a path to launch to clear, I was surprised that no one else had launched or was hinting at doing so. I asked a couple of pilots why, and they all replied; 'It's too cold!'. My suspicions were they were all waiting for someone else to launch first (a suitable wind dummy)! Turns out, that would be me!
24 Apr 2016

A Reflection On Why I Didn't Fly
I think it's always important to reflect on decisions made with regards to hang gliding and to reflect on choices. On Sunday, I chose not to fly despite arriving early and the sky looking very inviting…
17 Apr 2016
I think it's always important to reflect on decisions made with regards to hang gliding and to reflect on choices. On Sunday, I chose not to fly despite arriving early and the sky looking very inviting…
17 Apr 2016

A Muddy Landing
I made it to Truleigh, albeit almost entirely at ridge height before I found my first reliable climb which took me to 600ft above take-off…
16 Apr 2016
I made it to Truleigh, albeit almost entirely at ridge height before I found my first reliable climb which took me to 600ft above take-off…
16 Apr 2016

Thermalling Etiquette
A collection of useful information on Thermalling Etiquette gathered from various forums.
31 Mar 2016
A collection of useful information on Thermalling Etiquette gathered from various forums.
31 Mar 2016

Takatoshi Kosaka's report of his XC
Takatoshi Kosaka's writes this great report of his XC from the Devil's Dyke on the 25 March 2016.
25 Mar 2016
Takatoshi Kosaka's writes this great report of his XC from the Devil's Dyke on the 25 March 2016.
25 Mar 2016

First Day of Spring
After my climb I headed off to Firle Beacon - this is normally a good source of lift. Today however, the lift was poor and I arrived at the Beacon at ridge height and found myself stuck in the small bowl below it trying to regain enough height to safely fly back...
20 Mar 2016
After my climb I headed off to Firle Beacon - this is normally a good source of lift. Today however, the lift was poor and I arrived at the Beacon at ridge height and found myself stuck in the small bowl below it trying to regain enough height to safely fly back...
20 Mar 2016

A Trip to the Clouds and Beyond
On my final climb from Firle Beacon, the glider climbed with unbelievable ease - no matter which way I flew the vario continued to squeak its happy chirps. I looked to my left then to my right and realised I had reached the base of the clouds…
15 Mar 2016
On my final climb from Firle Beacon, the glider climbed with unbelievable ease - no matter which way I flew the vario continued to squeak its happy chirps. I looked to my left then to my right and realised I had reached the base of the clouds…
15 Mar 2016

3000 Miles in 2015
In 2015 I set myself a target to cycle by either mountain bike or road, a total distance of 3,000 miles! All rides had to be tracked by Endomondo. This article discusses how I achieved this target despite many challenges along the way!
31 Dec 2015
In 2015 I set myself a target to cycle by either mountain bike or road, a total distance of 3,000 miles! All rides had to be tracked by Endomondo. This article discusses how I achieved this target despite many challenges along the way!
31 Dec 2015

Emergency Landing!
After I had zipped my legs up I wiggled in my harness to get comfortable and tried to raise my head a little. At that point I'm not too sure what exactly happened but I felt a pop and my body slipped downwards out of the harness…
26 Sep 2015
After I had zipped my legs up I wiggled in my harness to get comfortable and tried to raise my head a little. At that point I'm not too sure what exactly happened but I felt a pop and my body slipped downwards out of the harness…
26 Sep 2015

You Don't Fly if You Don't Try
I returned to the ridge and began a slow but predictable descent to the bottom landing field. As I turned onto final I hit some lift and for a moment considered to work it…
27 Jun 2015
I returned to the ridge and began a slow but predictable descent to the bottom landing field. As I turned onto final I hit some lift and for a moment considered to work it…
27 Jun 2015