Welcome to the cycling section of my website. Cycling (road and mountain biking) has been one of my dominant hobbies over many years. It really started during my university days when my 45 minute walk to lectures was reduced to 15 minutes by a cycle commute. Upon leaving university and moving to Guildford I purchased a Mountain Bike and started to explore the North Downs. I soon discovered the many bridleways across the Surrey Hills and left the traffic filled roads behind for this far more appealing environment. I still road ride, but my real passion is to be in the countryside on my mountain bike, discovering wildlife, viewing the wonderful landscapes and racing down the occasional single track...
These next few pages are dedicated to my cycling; feel free to browse the following sections:

A collection of my favourite single track runs.

Random pieces written over the years.
Not terribly exciting, but a collection of my cycling videos.

During the Covid-19 lockdown, I considered it appropriate to remain local for my morning bike ride [I often venture some considerable distances]. After a couple of monotonous loops of a local circuit commonly known as the Lollipop, an idea popped into my head; Street Mapping [or Strapping as I'm now going to refer to it]. The idea involves mapping all my local streets by cycling around them and recording my route on an App like Strava.

During the Covid-19 lockdown, I considered it appropriate to remain local for my morning bike ride [I often venture some considerable distances]. After a couple of monotonous loops of a local circuit commonly known as the Lollipop, an idea popped into my head; Street Mapping [or Strapping as I'm now going to refer to it]. The idea involves mapping all my local streets by cycling around them and recording my route on an App like Strava.

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