Hang Gliding Videos

A collection of hang gliding videos.


71 items found.

A Prolonged Top to Bottom
An extended flight at the Devil's Dyke. After take-off I connect with a thermal and John McB. can be seen just below flying his Sting. By some fluke I'm able to stay aloft for 18 minutes before conceding and heading to the bottom landing field.
01 Jun 2013 : Duration : 00:02:19
Truleigh and Traffic

31 May 2013 : Duration : 00:06:18
A Day of Two Halves
A quick video summary chasing the wind from Firle to the Devil's dyke.
25 May 2013 : Duration : 00:02:28
Stormy Skies Over the Devil's Dyke
After resisting pressure to launch before the storm, my glider gets a good wash in the rain before the storm clears and I embark on a top to bottom. Miles then follows on his paraglider and rewards Nicos and myself with a classic landing!
23 May 2013 : Duration : 00:01:01
Windy Winching And A Little XC
A short summary of both of my flights with the Suffolk Coastal Floaters Hang Gliding Club. My first flight ends with an interesting landing approach and my second I embark on a very short XC.
12 May 2013 : Duration : 00:03:33
The Fifty Fifty Bridle

02 May 2013 : Duration : 00:03:11
Scratchy Downwind Uphill Landing
After waiting for what seemed like an eternity for the wind to come on to the hill, I take-off and quickly realise it's going to be a challenge to stay up. What followed was an uphill downwind landing as I try my best not to land in the crop and deal with the wind now coming more from the South.
20 Apr 2013 : Duration : 00:02:07
Highlights of my cold hour long flight at Swanborough.
29 Mar 2013 : Duration : 00:01:45