Site Guide - Swanborough

unknown at this time
Airspace information is provided for guidance only - please verify using current charts before flying site.

0 ft
LAT: 50.84432, LONG: -0.02442

Flights From Swanborough

TypeDateLaunch TimeGliderSiteDuration (h:m)CommentsHeight Gain (ft)Distance (km)Hours (h:m)
HSun, 29 Sep 201312:30AirBorne Sting 3:168Swanborough00:16ENE; 15-19 mph. Launched. Not much lift for wind strength. Watched a rigid fly straight down to the bottom landing where he impacted the ground hard. Flew down to bottom landing field to find pilot unconscious.18762:37
HFri, 27 Sep 201316:00AirBorne Sting 3:168Swanborough00:36ENE; 15mph. Worked small thermals to almost 1000ft ATO. Thermalled with Matt. Explored the ridge then top landed.90562:21
HFri, 27 Sep 201314:05AirBorne Sting 3:168Swanborough00:19ENE; strong when took off, but then flew to adjacent bowl to allow Paul to take-off. Got stuck and ended up bottom landing.14761:45
HSat, 20 Apr 201312:30AirBorne Sting 3:168Swanborough00:05With a risk of a sea breeze, it was time for a quick top to bottom. Made a little more interesting with an uphill, downwind landing!057:40
HFri, 29 Mar 201312:40AirBorne Sting 3:168Swanborough01:10Cold with occasional thermals ato around 700ft. School soaring flights and top landing through the gate70057:35
HSat, 22 Sep 201211:30AirBorne Sting 3:168Swanborough00:30NE; landed next to Brighton Marina.2,0506.154:41
HSat, 14 Apr 201214:00AirBorne Sting 3:168Swanborough00:15Another quick flight; conditions rough low down so concluded with a top landing then packed up.16051:31
HSat, 14 Apr 201212:00AirBorne Sting 3:168Swanborough00:45Lovely high flight at Swanborough; John B's trainees on the hill. Top landed.1,68451:16
HSat, 21 Aug 199912:00Airwave CalypsoSwanborough00:03NE wind, minimal lift, top to bottom (with J. Barratt).001:18